Nursing homes are not the only option when your loved one needs nursing and personal care. Home care is the safer nursing home alternative.

February 5, 2018 - There are many misconceptions about paying for home health care and other forms of long-term care for seniors. The biggest is that people vastly underestimate their potential need and the very real cost.

November 27, 2017 - It can be difficult for families to tell the difference between the average mental issues of growing older versus symptoms that can signal the early stages of dementia.
The changes may occur so gradually that family hasn’t noticed. The senior may have been able to adjust to problems well enough to disguise more serious issues. Or the family may be reluctant to see and admit that their loved one is having trouble that may require ongoing care.
Seniors may at first be…

November 23, 2017 - Everyday life is stressful enough for caregivers. Throw in the pressure to buy 127 gifts, bake a turkey and create a magical wonderland of joy and memories for the whole family, and it’s a recipe for disaster.
Caregivers shouldn’t have to dread the holidays.
Here are a few quick, easy ways to plan ahead, slow down and get a time out when you can’t take one more fa-la-la.